Category Archives: Travel

Street Photography Rotterdam | Architecture photography Rotterdam | Travel photographer West Yorkshire

A postcard from Rotterdam I nipped over to the Netherlands at Easter to have a few days of street photography Rotterdam style. This city, only a short drive from the Europort, is noted for its clean and modern architecture and I’ve been fancying going over there for a while now. Given the fact the Euro...

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Fuji X-Pro 1: A Postcard from Luxembourg

Well, I’ve just returned from a thoroughly relaxing two week family break cycling, eating and drinking our way round Luxembourg and the Netherlands! Before I went, I splashed out on the Fuji X Pro 1 camera system and for two reasons: firstly, I wanted to leave the Nikon system at home and travel with something light...

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Estonia and the big freeze

Just got back from Estonia where the trip results were the exact opposite of the fabulous three days I had in Greece a couple of weeks ago! The Greek trip resulted in over 5000 images in three days while Estonia resulted in around 20!! The reason for lack of images was the incredible freeze creeping...

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