Headed over to Manchester today for a shoot in a city centre bar with a couple of girls for a test shoot in readiness for a workshop later this month. During the workshop I’m going to be teaching how to light a subject using just small speedlights and also how work with and direct models to get the best out of your shoot. Because I’m running a speedlight workshop I only took speedlights with me and I have to say the bar is very much darker inside than I’d expected. This means the speedlights have to work much harder and I have to use extra speedlights to add fill and background lighting – the old AA Ni-Mh batteries took a drubbing I can tell you! Lots more on this event and the techniques after I’ve run the workshop. The workshop is on May 16th but is fully booked this time but if you are a photographer interested in the next workshop, drop me a line to get on the mailing list or ring me on 01924 229800.