wedding dress photography | studio photographer wedding dress shoot |

headshots photographer Wakefieldstudio wedding dress photography

Today the studio was awash with lace and satin for a wedding dress photography shoot that has been in the planning for a couple of months now. Today, however, everything came together and we had hair and make-up, stylists, two models and 21 wedding dresses in the studio for the shindig. The brief was to shoot web content for Wedding Dress World, a new website selling affordable dresses online and the aim was to show the detail of the dresses. The main model, Anna, had been chosen for her English rose looks and her height and stature were perfect for all the dresses – she made each one look stunning. A second model, Nicole, was chosen for her olive skin and sultry looks and she was to model just three dresses but the images were more for impact rather than detail. It was a long day for all concerned but by the time darkness fell we just about had it covered. Here is a selection from the shoot and the website will be live soon. Hopefully this shoot is being followed up by a session for some bespoke designer dresses for a separate web venture.  As an aside, Anna is a singer and is currently recording a selection of her own songs so, of course, we discussed the possibility of shooting some promo images soon too :¬) Watch this space.

If you are a fashion designer, dress designer or just want some high quality studio product photography, just call me on 01924 229800 for a chat.

wedding dress photographyheadshots photographer Wakefieldwedding dress photographyheadshots photographer Wakefieldstudio wedding dress shootstudio wedding dress shootwedding dress studio shooit

wedding dress photographywedding dress photography

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