Another commercial photography shoot for Redrow Homes, this time to capture some press and PR images of Andrew Stewart MP on his visit to the Redrow site at Horsforth Vale. Following an introduction describing Redrow’s approach to house building and overview of the site layout, the group headed out on a tour of the site. As well as being shown the various stages of the development, the Conservative MP was introduced to some of the apprentices on the site. Redrow take apprenticeships very seriously and are proud of their record of winning various awards for their apprenticeship programme. I was briefed to follow the tour and take some candid shots of the MP along with a few more formal staged shots. Here is a sample of the images I captured as we dashed round the site, I took a Profoto B1 in 40cm octa along for the ride to use in the more staged shots of the meeting with the apprentices.