Alt model photoshoot: Lincoln

Alt model photoshoot in Lincoln at shoot madness

I headed down to Linclon today to join in the big alt model photoshoot called ‘Shoot Madness’. Aptly named as it was total madness with a lot of models and photographers inside Home nightclub competeing for shooting space and models. The idea was for each photographer to work for 30 minutes with a model and then move on but it descended into chaos with photographers hogging models and models sticking with photographers they knew. I decided there were just three girls I really wanted to shoot and I made sure I got my name down with them on the booking sheet. As a bonus, I managed a fourth model while her photographer had gone astray :¬) Two of the models I’d really like to work with again on a proper model portfolio shoot and I suspect I’ll get them up to my studio at some point soon with a bit of luck!

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