A cold day in Howarth

Doesn’t seem two minutes since the Christmas break but here we are at the end of another half-term! So, in order to avoid “couch potato-itus” setting in on the kids, we went to Howarth for the day calling in at the Worth Valley Railway and Saltaire on the way back. It was a gloriously sunny and crsip winter day with a good dusting of snow in Howarth providing some great photo opportunities, but having the rest of the gang with me I decided to travel light, taking only two lenses and no tripod! Here’s a few of the snap shots I took on the day. You can see the perils of taking photographs of an 11 year old boy while there’s snow on the ground – obviously five grands worth of gear is just too tempting a target :¬\   

A short break in the blog activity now as I’m in the high Pyrennees in Spain from tomorrow for 4 days of nature photography concentrating on the enigmatic lammergier vulture as well as three other vuture species and, hopefully, eagles. Then its back to a busy studio schedule the following week.

Bronte parsonage in snow by Yorkshire landscape photographer John Gardner

Snowballing! Family portraits on location by West Yorkshire photographer John Gardner

Location portrait at Keighley & Worth Valley Railway

United Reform Church, Saltaire by Yorkshire Landscape photogographer John Gardner

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