Sheffield based model Charlene was looking for a Yorkshire glamour photographer who could update her portfolio with some high quality images when she discovered me :¬) After arranging a date and chatting about her ideas, we got together today to do the shoot. Working with an experienced model is always good fun as it means I don’t have to direct quite so much and I can concentrate on lighting and shooting. Charlene was impressed with the studio and the variety of sets available and, fortunately, she’d brought enough outfits to use most of them ;¬) We shot in the white corner, black infinity curve, bedroom, bathroom and spiral stairs to name but a few. I think we have plenty of image for her to choose from to boost her portfolio and she will have a hard time choosing when we get together for viewing and editing :¬)
To book me for your portfolio update, just call the studio on 01924 229800 for a chat. You don’t have to be a professional or even an experienced model, but you will get some amazing images!