Weetwood Hall wedding photographer

Weetwood Hall wedding photographer

I met up with Libby and Jon today for a pre-wedding shoot and planning meeting because in just two weeks time I will be their Weetwood Hall wedding photographer when they get married in front of 200 guests at St Matthew’s Church at Chapel Allerton, Leeds and then on to Weetwood Hall. I first met Libby a couple of years ago when I provided the wedding photography at her brother Jonathan’s wedding at Coniston Cold Hotel near Skipton, amazing where time goes as I can remember his wedding as if it was yesterday! For today’s e-session we decided to meet at The Mansion in Roundhay Park and the weather couldn’t have been better; after all the rain we’ve had over the past couple of weeks, I was shocked to see blue skies and sunshine – maybe that’s a good omen for their big day. Despite suffering from a little trepidation about being photographed, Jon got into the swing of things quite early on and I think there are some great photos that his mum will like (apparently there are very few photos of him in existence!).

For the shoot I used the Fuji X Pro-1 with a variety of lenses but mainly worked with the 35 f/1.2 and 60 f/2.4 macro. This is the first time I’ve done a full shoot with this great little camera and it felt very different from using the huge Nikon D4 and 70-200 lens that I normally would use. There was another pre-wedding shoot going on and I am sure I saw the photographer give a disdainful look at my little ‘point-and-shoot’ but the proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say –  I will be using the big guns on the wedding day though :¬)

Wakefield wedding photographer at Weetwood hallwedding photographer Weetwood Hallwedding photographer Wakefieldwedding photographer Weetwood HallWakefield wedding photographerwedding photographer Wakefieldpre wedding photoshoot Roundhay ParkWeetwood Hall wedding photographerWeetwood Hall wedding photographerWeetwood Hall wedding photographerMansion House wedding photographerWakefield wedding photographerMansion House wedding photographerWakefield wedding photographerwedding photographer Wakefield

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