Dave came over from Scunthorpe this evening for a his first ever portfolio shoot after finding me on the web. Dave is wanting to have a go at fitness modelling and of course, he needs a good set of image to send off to agencies and magazines, so he decided to put his nerves aside and have a go at standing in front of the camera. We shot in this evening and, due to time constraints, were limited to working in the studio which I think is always difficult for any first time model, as standing on an large infinity curve and coming up with the moves is pretty daunting. However, my shoots are always really laid back and fun and Dave soon got into the swing of things. We shot a few different styles from casual to fitness and I think in the end we got some great images to show to editors and agencies. Here are just a few that I’ve picked out for the blog, Enjoy ladies :¬)
Wakefield portfolio photographer: Dave
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