Wakefield commercial portrait photographer: Headshots and PR for Redrow Homes Ltd
I am commissioned quite regularly by Active PR as a Wakefield commercial portrait photographer to shoot headshots and press and PR images for Redrow Homes Ltd. These shoots usually take place on one of the Redrow developments around West Yorkshire and the brief consists of photographing staff members on location with subtle branding, visible branding and some without branding for press purposes. I really enjoy these shoots, they make me think on my feet because oftem, I only have a very small amount of time with the Redrow executives and I need to arrive on site, visualise the shot, determine the lighting and get the client in position for the final image. They key to all these shoots though, is bonding with the subject. Most people are slightly fearful of having their photograph taklen so it’s critical to build a rapport straight away and get them as relaxed as possible. Here a couple of Redrow execs from this morning’s shoot.