Natural light Portrait on location

I love using flash mixed with ambient for my outdoor portraits, but sometimes the light is just so good it needs nothing more than a little redirection to get it to fill just where you want it. Today was one of those days so this afternoon, I took a break from designing bespoke wedding albums and went out for a walk with the family and took only a 50mm lens and a 105mm lens on a mid-range DSLR to travel light – even when I’m not shooting professionally, I always have a camera with me :¬) After much arguing and cajolling I manged to get my lad to stand in a superb location with backlighting from the late autumn sunshine and used the 105macro lens wide open at f/2.8 for minimum DOF and maximum compression effect. This lens is a superb performer at wide apertures, remaining very sharp from edge to edge and virtually no chromatic abberations. The lens flare was added in the computer :¬)

If you’d like an awesome, impact portrait of you and your kids like this one, call the studio on 01924 229800 and have a chat about meeting on location for a shoot.

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