I met up with Kristian & Rachel at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park today to go through their wedding plans in readiness for their big day at Cragrats Brasserie early next month. I chose YSP as it was about mid-way for both of us, but I hadn’t reckoned on the over zealous jobworths who objected to our using the sculptures as props in the photoshoot! After a little reasoning with them they allowed us to move to a quieter part of the park and left us to get on with it. Sheesh! After the shoot we went up to Cragrats to scout the venue and I have to say it was just as I remembered it and I reckon it will be a real cool place to shoot – very different from the usual venues and very much a boutique wedding. Oh, and the fillet steak I had for lunch was pretty good too :¬)
To learn more about my wedding photography and join me in getting thrown out of the Yorkshire Sculpture Park during pre-wedding shoots, go to the wedding pages on the main website.