Adam & Victoria pre-wedding shoot: Ripley Castle

Adam and Victoria were up from London for the weekend to hear their bands being read at church and to tie up other preps for their Ripley Castle wedding in early May, so I took the opportunity to catch up with them for a pre-wedding shoot. We met at Kirkstall Abbey but that place was crowed with folks at a travelling fair, so we headed in to the museum gardens and made the most of the gorgeous spring cherry blossom and walled garden. It was a real sun trap in there and I hope its like this on their wedding day so that we can make the most of the fabulous venue. Ripley Castle will be a new gig for me and I’m really looking forward to it and if today is anything to go by we should get some decent snaps :¬) Here are a few for now that I’ve given a bit of a pastel feel to with more coming after the weekend but its still glorious and the lawn won’t cut itself :¬\  


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